Starting a new job? How to avoid getting dragged into office politics

Starting a new job? Here are some tips on how to avoid getting dragged into office politics:

Who are the most influential people in the organisation?

Find out who these people are and be prepared for when you meet them so you know what to say so you make a positive first impression on them.

             Watch out for dangerous employees

According to Vermillion, 2013, there are three types of people to avoid in an organisation, these are: Psychopaths – they make risky decisions or make nasty comments just for kicks; Schemers – these try to manipulate others for their own gain; Narcissists – they have a hugely inflated opinion of themselves and believe they are undervalued and underpaid. Do not confide in any of these people.

            Build your own personal network

Choose your friends carefully – choose someone you like and trust first. They will often then introduce you to other good people. Don’t become isolated within a company.

            Be astute

Awareness of your environment at all times is essential Think about why certain people say certain things, and think carefully about what you say and how it could be interpreted by others.

            Give yourself a positive image

Be the sort of person others talk to and trust. You want to be considered a ‘good egg’ in the company, leaving positively wherever you go. Don’t get involved in ‘tittle-tattle.

            Learn how to manage your manager

Be the person your manager comes to for advice or in times of adversity. People’s careers often falter because they don’t get on with their manager – don’t fall into that trap.

Do blow your own trumpet

Self promote yourself whenever you can without looking like a show-off. You can sometimes do this by promote others achievements and including yourself within that, highlighting how your influences have helped you and colleagues achieve company goals.

Adapted from 8 ways to win at office politics, by Peter Bartram.


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